**I can't get my pictures to load in the right order, but at least they're on here.**
So on Friday, the 25th of March, Neil and I had the privilege of accompanying our very best friends to dinner and a show. It isn't what most people think of as a concert, but I'm still counting it. :)
We started out our night by eating at Benihana. I've never eaten at a place like this, so it was a fun experience.
I ate a shrimp for the first time ever! I didn't like it, but at least now I can say that I've tried it.
Neil and me at dinner.
Tildie and Ben at dinner.

After dinner we went to the show. It was Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, and Bill Engvall. They were
Hilarious!! We decided that we shouldn't have eaten before because it's a little uncomfortable to laugh that hard on a full stomach. We had such a good time and I'm so glad that we went!!

I have to give a shout out to Misty for watching the girls for us so we could go have a good time. Thanks! You're the Best!!