Friday, December 31, 2010


So I did Great the whole month of December until Tuesday! We went out of town, and I didn't have the self control to not eat on the road. I ate out 3 meals. (Sadly, I didn't even get to eat at the one place I was looking forward to. Neil says I should get brownie points for that... :) ) So, to make up for it, I am extending this goal a week into January.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Since part of the reason I'm doing this blog-style is so I have other people that I'm accountable to I thought it would help me to write a post about what I am working on.
This month I am going to tackle #3--Don't eat out for 1 month. I haven't talked to Neil about this yet, so I don't know if he will be on board, but I'm hoping that we will do this as a family. Even if that doesn't happen (I can't really control what happens when I'm at school.) I personally will not eat out this month.
If I call you crying because I want a hamburger just tell me "Tough!" I may not say it at the time, but I will be grateful for the support. :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Just Call Me "Copycat"

When I finally decided that I was going to "hop aboard the crazy train" I started making a list of things I wanted to accomplish. My best friend made one of her goals to finish her list of goals. I commented on that goal saying "You have to make some easy goals to keep you going for the harder ones." Little did I know... Making this list of 101 goals I want to complete was so hard!! I've been working on it for almost a month!
I know some of my goals are cheesy and simple, but give me a break, at least I have 101 of them now. If there are any that you might be able to help me with feel free to offer your assistance. :)