Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Just Call Me "Copycat"

When I finally decided that I was going to "hop aboard the crazy train" I started making a list of things I wanted to accomplish. My best friend made one of her goals to finish her list of goals. I commented on that goal saying "You have to make some easy goals to keep you going for the harder ones." Little did I know... Making this list of 101 goals I want to complete was so hard!! I've been working on it for almost a month!
I know some of my goals are cheesy and simple, but give me a break, at least I have 101 of them now. If there are any that you might be able to help me with feel free to offer your assistance. :)


Daniel and Savannah Jensen said...

Mandy such a great idea! Your goals are great, good luck!

Misty said...

Yay, Mandy! I love your list of goals...there are some things on there that I read and thought "I should have thought of that one!" Good luck - I know you can do it!!

Misty said...

P.S. You're a copycat.

But I'm totally cool with it. ;)

The 4 Willows said...

Woohoo! Those are some great goals! So did I inspire you to do this project, if so I can mark off a goal! ;) Now that I have my list I keep thinking of other things I want to do and I feel pretty motivated to improve everything. Good luck!

Cathy said...

Wow! You all are going to be the most improved people I know! :) Great list, it's gonna be a lot of fun.

Cathy said...

Oh! PS-
#1--You're NUTS!!!!! But good luck!
#5--You're nuts!
#9--You're gonna need photographic proof of this one too I'm afraid!
#52--How many months does this go?? I think you have more family members than time. :)
#57--Love it.

Mama D said...

This is such a neat idea! Good luck accomplishing your goals. You are an inspiration.

I have a way to allow you to check off two of them at once: come visit me!! You will take a trip out of state and be able to visit a temple outside of UT. The Nauvoo Temple is *gorgeous*!!