Monday, February 21, 2011


I am hating the world right now!! I decided to start working on goal #2 which is Quit Drinking Pepsi. Friday was the last time I had any, and I'm feeling it. :( But I feel good about the end result, so I will keep on plugging... I even made Neil take all his Mountain Dews out of the house so that I wasn't tempted to use them to relieve my migraine. :) So, if I get snippy with you, just blame it on the Pepsi. :D


Misty said...

Ha ha, I love that picture! Good luck, Sis. You can do it!!

The 4 Willows said...

Love that picture, it's hilarious! Good luck! So if you're not drinking Mt. Dew, are you quitting all pop?

Mandy said...

Tild- Just caffeine.