Friday, March 18, 2011

#2 Quit Drinking Pepsi

I haven't had a Pepsi in 4 weeks! I'm considering this goal done, even though it will be something I have to work on every day. Thankfully I'm past the miserable phase! Kiwi Strawberry Shasta and A&W Rootbeer are my replacements. :)


Misty said...

Woop Woop! Atta girl! Now just stay off of that icky stuff. :) (And bring me a kiwi strawberry Shasta!)

The 4 Willows said...

Way to go! Your replacements aren't so bad.

Cathy said...

Yay!!! I knew you could do it! Just remember how miserable you were and the next time you are tempted to have one, JUST SAY NO!! :)
(And your replacements are way better anyway!!)